Smarter Living tips for a spooky homemade Halloween – Electric Ireland NI

Discover our #SmarterLiving tips for creating a Spooktacular and low-cost Halloween at home to entertain the kids this half-term.

As we continue to bring Smarter Living tips and tricks to the people of Northern Ireland, we’ve highlighted a few seasonal décor and entertainment ideas for you to try at home. So, grab your craft box and a bag of pumpkins, this Halloween is all about creeping it real at home!

Deadly Décor

Spooky spiders                                                       pic1

For a fun and autumnal way to decorate your home this Halloween, get outside and grab some colourful leaves - maple leaves work best if you can find them!  Now that you’ve selected your crispy leaves, it’s time to get creative. Take a sheet of card and draw lots of little eyes and fangs - don’t worry if they are messy, it will all add to the spookiness. Then, carefully cut them out and stick them onto your leaves. With your spooky spiders ready to go, you can now set them on the fireplace or turn them into bunting by cutting small holes in the corners and feeding them through some string. 
Image: Courtesy of Unsplashed.

Pumpkin painting

We can’t post a Halloween blog without the mention of the humble pumpkin.  Whether you carve them, paint them or just leave them on the front doorstep as a decoration, they are a must in every household. While carving pumpkins can be difficult for the younger members of the family, we’d recommend painting them. In the spirit of Smarter Living, grab any leftover wall or fence paint and get creative. If you have a printer at home, you can also download a selection of funky stencils online.

Eerie Entertainment 

Halloween Movie Axe-travaganza

With the nights getting darker and the kids spending more time inside, your electricity consumption is likely to rise. To cut down on individual usage, we suggest bringing the whole family together for a household Halloween movie axe-travaganza. Simply browse what spooky films are available to watch, write down everyone’s favourites on a piece of paper and crumple them up into a bowl or cauldron. Then get the kids to hand pick a movie in the run up to the 31st of October. This is a great way to get the family together, switch off the “big light” and cut down on the number of electrical devices being used individually throughout the home.

Little box of horrors                                                    pic2

While apple bobbing is a big no-no for 2021, we’ve created a fun and tactile game to help entertain the kids this Halloween. The aim of the game is to reuse household boxes and fill them with slimy and weird items found around the house, before asking the kids to place their hands inside and guess the contents. To make your little boxes of horrors, collect small to medium boxes from your recycling bin, line them and fill them with anything in your cupboards. Baby carrots can act as ‘Witches’ fingers’, dried pasta can be used for ‘skeleton bones’ and jelly can become ‘Frankenstein’s brain’.  Get creative and the kids are guaranteed to love it!                             

Image: Courtesy of Unsplashed


Happy Halloween from everyone at Electric Ireland. If you recreate any of our homemade horrors at home, please tag us on Facebook or Instagram using #SmarterLiving, we’d love to see them.

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