Business Help

What is the Alternative Fuel Payment (AFP) initiative?

HM Government launched an Alternative Fuel Payment (AFP) initiative for non-domestic customers in 2023.

This credit was provided to all non-domestic customers located off the gas grid in Northern Ireland. It was intended to give support to these customers with their heating costs during the winter 2022/23 following the increase in energy bills.

The Non-Domestic Alternative Fuel Payment scheme ends on Friday, 30 June 2023.

For more information on Government supports, you can find FAQs on the EBRS, or on the EBDS here.

1. How much was the credit?

It was a once-off fixed payment of £150 credit to your non-domestic electricity account.

2. Who received this credit?

It was provided to all non-domestic customers located off the gas grid in Northern Ireland. It was intended to give support to these customers with their heating costs during the winter 2022/23 following the increase in energy bills.

Please note that where numerous MPRNs are at the one premise, the payment was only made once as opposed to every MPRN.

3. Were there any exceptions to qualifying?

The following criteria may have resulted in you not receiving the credit:

  • Deceased customers

  • No forwarding addresses

  • Vacant properties

  • Disconnected properties

  • Change of tenancy

  • Erroneous transfers

4. How did customers apply to get the credit?

The once-off fixed payment of £150 was added to qualifying non-domestic electricity accounts automatically without any need to apply. Electric Ireland was responsible for crediting your account with the grant amount of £150, and we will be funded by the Government.

5. When will I receive the credit?

Electric Ireland automatically applied the credit to eligible accounts from April and the credit appeared on your next bill thereafter if applicable. Customers eligible for the £150 credit did not need to take any action.

6. I am eligible for the EBRS, could I still avail of this credit?

This payment was separate to other schemes funded by government including the Energy Bill Relief Scheme, Energy Bill Support Scheme and the Domestic Alternative Fuel Payment, which have different qualifying criteria.

7. Does Electric Ireland have any other supports for my business at present?

For further guidance, information and supports from Electric Ireland, visit our dedicated Business Support Hub.

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