Residential Help

Keypad customers - FAQs 28th September 2023

We appreciate this is very challenging for the affected customers and their families and we are really sorry for the upset caused. We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this complex issue.

Please read all the FAQs fully.

1. What has happened and who might be affected?

An error has occurred which has capped some meters at a £10 credit limit. Customers who purchased a top up between Wednesday 30th of August from 00.00 to Thursday 31st of August at 13.23 may be affected. This means that if you purchased a top up of more than £10 during this time, you may not be able to add this, or any other top-ups to your meter.

If you have not purchased a top up in this time period, your meter is not affected, please top up as normal. There is no need to contact our call centre.

2. What should I do if I have been affected?

If the information above applies to you, please follow the instructions below

  • Do not top up your meter until the balance is below £5.
  • When topping up – maintain your meter balance below £10 until further notice.
  • If you have bought top ups of more than £5 in value we are working to reissue them.
  • If you have NO SUPPLY, please email your full name, address, postcode, mobile telephone no. and MPRN to or freephone 0800 313 4926.

Friendly Credit applies from 5pm until 12midday the following day and over the weekend period. This means that if you run out of credit after 5pm your power will stay on until 12:00 midday.

3. I’ve activated Emergency or Friendly Credit. What do I do now?

Friendly Credit applies from 5pm until 12midday the following day and over the weekend period. This means that if you run out of credit after 5pm your power will stay on until 12:00 midday. The following instructions are for customers who are on FRIENDLY CREDIT i.e. balance below 0.00p, please follow them carefully

  1. You need to top up your meter before 12 midday
  2. Please check your balance now and top up ensuring your balance DOES NOT exceed £10
  3. You must continue to keep your meter balance £10 or below until further notice

4. Can I purchase multiple £5 top ups?

Yes, you can purchase multiple top ups of £5 and enter them as your meter balance is below £5.

5. How are you going to fix this for me?

We are working as quickly as possible to get your meter operational. Please carefully follow the instructions above to ensure you remain on supply.

6. What should I do if my electricity is off?

Please email your full name, address, postcode, mobile telephone no. and MPRN to If you cannot email, please call on freephone 0800 313 4926. We are working to reconnect customers as quickly as possible.

7. I rely on electricity for medical purposes, what should I do?

If you rely on electricity for medical purposes, please email your full name, address, postcode, mobile telephone no. and MPRN to now. If you cannot email, please call on freephone 0800 313 4926. Where you cannot contact Electric Ireland and are without power, please contact NIE Networks.

8. What are Electric Ireland doing?

We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible and will provide updates when they are available. We have increased our staffing levels and extended our opening hours to answer customer calls, emails, and social media messages. Our customer contact centre is open 8.30am to 8pm, Monday to Friday, please freephone 0800 313 4926. We are contacting all affected customers by email and/or text message (SMS) to update them on the status of their meter.

9. What if you don’t have contact details for me?

If you are affected by this issue and haven’t provided us with a mobile number or email address, please email quoting your account number, address, mobile phone number and email address at

10. I have received a ‘Credit Hi’ message on my meter when I enter a top up.

Electric Ireland will send you instructions to make your meter operational. When you receive these instructions please follow them carefully, paying particular attention to the balance required on your meter and the amount of top up you will need to purchase. You should maintain your balance below £10 until further notice. Please see point 3.

11. What happens with the tops ups Electric Ireland have cancelled?

We will reimburse all cancelled top ups as soon as possible. We really appreciate your patience in the meantime.

12. Does my meter need to be replaced in order to fix this?

It is unlikely that your meter will need to be replaced, the vast majority of affected customers’ meters can be reset, and we are working to do that. If you have no electricity in your home, please contact us by phone on 0800 313 4926. Our customer care team will be able to determine what steps need to be taken to get your electricity back on as quickly as possible.

13. NIE installed a new meter because of this issue. What does this mean for me?

You are among a small number of customers who have required a meter replacement to fix the issue. Please wait 48 hours from installation until you top up. You do not need to take further action.

14. Do I need to contact NIE?

No. Please contact Electric Ireland and we will attempt to resolve your issue, if we can’t fix it, we will make contact with NIE Networks on your behalf so that they can resolve the problem.

I have reset my meter using the two 20-digit codes I was sent

1. Am I still limited to £5 Top Ups?

No. Once your meter has been reset you are no longer limited to £5 Top Ups and you can top up as normal.

2. Can I re-enter Top Ups that I purchased before my meter was Reset?

Yes. Some of the Top Ups purchased after 30 August may not have been accepted by your meter. These codes will now be able to be accepted by the meter. Please re-enter any codes you might have.

3. When I enter a Top Up there is a “Rejected” message, followed by an “Error” message on my Keypad meter. What does this mean?

A “Rejected” messaged, followed by an “Error” message means the wrong code was inputted into meter. Please re-enter your code.

4. When I enter a Top Up there is a “Rejected” message, followed by a “Duplicate” message on my Keypad meter. What does this mean?

A “Rejected” message followed by a “Duplicate” message means this code was already entered and accepted on your meter. This credit is already on your meter.

5. When I enter a Top Up there is a “Rejected” message, followed by a “Wrong Tar” message on my Keypad meter. What does this mean?

A “Rejected” messaged, followed by “Wrong Tar” message means the Top Up code is the wrong tariff for the meter. A new 40-digit code is required, please contact our call centre on xxxx

6. When I enter a Top Up here is a “Rejected” message, followed by a “Credit Hi” message on my Keypad meter. What does this mean?

A “Rejected” message by “Credit Hi” message means that your meter is still affected by the ongoing Keypad issue. Your meter needs to be reset; you will have been sent two 20-digit codes. Please reset your meter now using these codes. If you do not have these codes, please contact our call centre on xxxx.

7. I’ve received a letter/email from Electric Ireland with a list of Top Up codes to re-enter. I’ve completed this. Is there something else I need to do?

There are no further actions to be completed with regards to this issue and you can vend as normal from now on.

FAQ’s - 18th September

We appreciate this is very challenging for the affected customers and their families and we are really sorry for the upset caused. We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this complex issue.

Please read all the FAQs fully.

1. What has happened and who might be affected?

An error has occurred which has capped some meters at a £10 credit limit. Customers who purchased a top up between Wednesday 30th of August from 00.00 to Thursday 31st of August at 13.23 may be affected. This means that if you purchased a top up of more than £10 during this time, you may not be able to add this, or any other top-ups to your meter. If you have not purchased a top up in this time period your meter is not affected, please top up as normal. There is no need to contact our call centre.

2. How do I know if I have been affected?

You may be affected if:

  • • You purchased a top up between Wednesday 30th of August from 00.00 to Thursday 31st of August 2023 at 13.23.
  • • Your meter is now rejecting top up codes and is displaying the error code ‘CREDIT HI’.

3. What should I do if I have been affected?

If the information above applies to you, please follow the instructions below.

  • Do not top up your meter until the balance is below £5.
  • When topping up – maintain your meter balance below £10 until further notice.
  • If you have bought top ups of more than £5 in value we are working to reissue them.
  • If you have NO SUPPLY, please email your full name, address, postcode, mobile telephone no. and MPRN to or freephone 0800 313 4926.

Friendly Credit applies from 5pm until 12midday the following day and over the weekend period. This means that if you run out of credit after 5pm your power will stay on until 12:00 midday.

4. I’ve activated Emergency or Friendly Credit. What do I do now?

Friendly Credit applies from 5pm until 12midday the following day and over the weekend period. This means that if you run out of credit after 5pm your power will stay on until 12:00 midday. The following instructions are for customers who are on FRIENDLY CREDIT i.e. balance below 0.00p, please follow them carefully

  1. You need to top up your meter before 12 midday.
  2. Please check your balance now and top up ensuring your balance DOES NOT exceed £10
  3. You must continue to keep your meter balance £10 or below until further notice

5. Can I purchase multiple £5 top ups?

Yes, you can purchase multiple top ups of £5 and enter them as your meter balance is below £5.

6. How are you going to fix this for me?

We are working as quickly as possible to get your meter operational. Please carefully follow the instructions above to ensure you remain on supply.

7. What should I do if my electricity is off?

Please email your full name, address, postcode, mobile telephone no. and MPRN to If you cannot email, please call on freephone 0800 313 4926. We are working to reconnect customers as quickly as possible.

8. I rely on electricity for medical purposes, what should I do?

If you rely on electricity for medical purposes, please email your full name, address, postcode, mobile telephone no. and MPRN to If you cannot email, please call on freephone 0800 313 4926. Where you cannot contact Electric Ireland and are without power, please contact NIE Networks.

9. What are Electric Ireland doing?

We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible and will provide updates when they are available. We have increased our staffing levels and extended our opening hours to answer customer calls, emails, and social media messages. Our customer contact centre is open 8.30am to 8pm, Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday, please freephone 0800 313 4926. We are contacting all affected customers by email and/or text message (SMS) to update them on the status of their meter.

10. What if you don’t have contact details for me?

If you are affected by this issue and haven’t provided us with a mobile number or email address, please email us quoting your account number, address, mobile phone number and email address at

11. I have received a ‘Credit Hi’ message on my meter when I enter a top up.

Electric Ireland will send you instructions to make your meter operational. When you receive these instructions please follow them carefully, paying particular attention to the balance required on your meter and the amount of top up you will need to purchase. You should maintain your balance below £10 until further notice. Please see point 3.

12. What happens with the tops ups Electric Ireland have cancelled?

We will reimburse all cancelled top ups as soon as possible. We really appreciate your patience in the meantime.

13. Does my meter need to be replaced in order to fix this?

It is unlikely that your meter will need to be replaced, the vast majority of affected customers’ meters can be reset, and we are working to do that. If you have no electricity in your home, please contact us by phone on 0800 313 4926. Our customer care team will be able to determine what steps need to be taken to get your electricity back on as quickly as possible.

14. NIE installed a new meter because of this issue. What does this mean for me?

You are among a small number of customers who have required a meter replacement to fix the issue. Please wait 48 hours from installation until you top up. You do not need to take further action. You MUST NOT try to re-enter any top-ups you purchased before your meter was reset.

15. Do I need to contact NIE?

No. Please contact Electric Ireland and we will attempt to resolve your issue, if we can’t fix it, we will make contact with NIE Networks on your behalf so that they can resolve the problem.

FAQ’s - 12th September

We appreciate this is very challenging for the affected customers and their families and we are really sorry for the upset caused. We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this complex issue.

Please read all the FAQs fully.

1. What has happened and who might be affected?

An error has occurred which has capped some meters at a £10 credit limit. Customers who purchased a top up between Wednesday 30th of August from 00.00 to Thursday 31st of August at 13.23 may be affected. This means that if you purchased a top up of more than £10 during this time, you may not be able to add this, or any other top-ups to your meter. If you have not purchased a top up in this time period your meter is not affected, please top up as normal. There is no need to contact our call centre.

2. How do I know if I have been affected?

You may be affected if:

  • • You purchased a top up between Wednesday 30th of August from 00.00 to Thursday 31st of August 2023 at 13.23.
  • • Your meter is now rejecting top up codes and is displaying the error code ‘CREDIT HI’.

3. What should I do if I have been affected?

If the information above applies to you, please follow the instructions below.

  • Do not top up your meter until the balance is below £5.
  • When topping up – maintain your meter balance below £10 until further notice.
  • If you have bought top ups of more than £5 in value we are working to reissue them.
  • If you have NO SUPPLY, please email your full name, address, postcode, mobile telephone no. and MPRN to or freephone 0800 313 4926.

Friendly Credit applies from 5pm until 12midday the following day and over the weekend period. This means that if you run out of credit after 5pm your power will stay on until 12:00 midday.

4. I’ve activated Emergency or Friendly Credit. What do I do now?

Friendly Credit applies from 5pm until 12midday the following day and over the weekend period. This means that if you run out of credit after 5pm your power will stay on until 12:00 midday. The following instructions are for customers who are on FRIENDLY CREDIT i.e. balance below 0.00p, please follow them carefully

  1. You need to top up your meter before 12 midday.
  2. Please check your balance now and top up ensuring your balance DOES NOT exceed £10
  3. You must continue to keep your meter balance £10 or below until further notice

5. Can I purchase multiple £5 top ups?

Yes, you can purchase multiple top ups of £5 and enter them as your meter balance is below £5.

6. How are you going to fix this for me?

We are working as quickly as possible to get your meter operational. Please carefully follow the instructions above to ensure you remain on supply.

7. What should I do if my electricity is off?

Please email your full name, address, postcode, mobile telephone no. and MPRN to If you cannot email, please call on freephone 0800 313 4926. We are working to reconnect customers as quickly as possible.

8. I rely on electricity for medical purposes, what should I do?

If you rely on electricity for medical purposes, please email your full name, address, postcode, mobile telephone no. and MPRN to If you cannot email, please call on freephone 0800 313 4926. Where you cannot contact Electric Ireland and are without power, please contact NIE Networks.

9. What are Electric Ireland doing?

We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible and will provide updates when they are available. We have increased our staffing levels and extended our opening hours to answer customer calls, emails, and social media messages. Our contact center will be open until 10pm each evening. We are contacting all affected customers by email and/or text message (SMS) to update them on the status of their meter.

10. What if you don’t have contact details for me?

If you are affected by this issue and haven’t provided us with a mobile number or email address, please email us quoting your account number, address, mobile phone number and email address at

11. I have received a ‘Credit Hi’ message on my meter when I enter a top up.

Electric Ireland will send you instructions to make your meter operational. When you receive these instructions please follow them carefully, paying particular attention to the balance required on your meter and the amount of top up you will need to purchase. You should maintain your balance below £10 until further notice. Please see point 3.

12. What happens with the tops ups Electric Ireland have cancelled?

We will reimburse all cancelled top ups as soon as possible. We really appreciate your patience in the meantime.

13. Does my meter need to be replaced in order to fix this?

It is unlikely that your meter will need to be replaced, the vast majority of affected customers’ meters can be reset, and we are working to do that. If you have no electricity in your home, please contact us by phone on 0800 313 4926. Our customer care team will be able to determine what steps need to be taken to get your electricity back on as quickly as possible.

14. NIE installed a new meter because of this issue. What does this mean for me?

You are among a small number of customers who have required a meter replacement to fix the issue. Please wait 48 hours from installation until you top up. You do not need to take further action. You MUST NOT try to re-enter any top-ups you purchased before your meter was reset.

15. Do I need to contact NIE?

No. Please contact Electric Ireland and we will attempt to resolve your issue, if we can’t fix it, we will make contact with NIE Networks on your behalf so that they can resolve the problem.

FAQ’s - 11th September

We appreciate this is very challenging for the affected customers and their families and we are really sorry for the upset caused. We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this complex issue.

Please read all the FAQs fully.

1. What has happened and who might be affected?

An error has occurred which has capped some meters at a £10 credit limit. Customers who purchased a top up between Wednesday 30th of August from 00.00 to Thursday 31st of August at 13.23 may be affected. This means that if you purchased a top up of more than £10 during this time, you may not be able to add this, or any other top-ups to your meter.

If you have not purchased a top up in this time period your meter is not affected, please top up as normal. There is no need to contact our call centre.

2. How do I know if I have been affected?

You may be affected if:

  • • You purchased a top up between Wednesday 30th of August from 00.00 to Thursday 31st of August 2023 at 13.23.
  • • Your meter is now rejecting top up codes and is displaying the error code ‘CREDIT HI’.

3. What should I do if I have been affected?

If the information above applies to you, please follow the instructions below.

  • Do not top up your meter until the balance is below £5.
  • When topping up – maintain your meter balance below £10 until further notice.
  • If you have bought top ups of more than £5 in value we are working to reissue them.
  • If you have NO SUPPLY, please email your full name, address, postcode, mobile telephone no. and MPRN to or freephone 0800 313 4926.

Friendly Credit applies from 5pm until 12midday the following day and over the weekend period. This means that if you run out of credit after 5pm your power will stay on until 12:00 midday.

4. I’ve activated Emergency or Friendly Credit. What do I do now?

Friendly Credit applies from 5pm until 12midday the following day and over the weekend period. This means that if you run out of credit after 5pm your power will stay on until 12:00 midday. The following instructions are for customers who are on FRIENDLY CREDIT i.e. balance below 0.00p, please follow them carefully

  1. You need to top up your meter before 12 midday.
  2. Please check your balance now and top up ensuring your balance DOES NOT exceed £10
  3. You must continue to keep your meter balance £10 or below until further notice

5. Can I purchase multiple £5 top ups?

Yes, you can purchase multiple top ups of £5 and enter them as your meter balance is below £5.

6. How are you going to fix this for me?

We are working as quickly as possible to get your meter operational. Please carefully follow the instructions above to ensure you remain on supply.

7. What should I do if my electricity is off?

Please email your full name, address, postcode, mobile telephone no. and MPRN to If you cannot email, please call on freephone 0800 313 4926. We are working to reconnect customers as quickly as possible.

8. I rely on electricity for medical purposes, what should I do?

If you rely on electricity for medical purposes, please email your full name, address, postcode, mobile telephone no. and MPRN to If you cannot email, please call on freephone 0800 313 4926. Where you cannot contact Electric Ireland and are without power, please contact NIE Networks.

9. What are Electric Ireland doing?

We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible and will provide updates when they are available. We have increased our staffing levels and extended our opening hours to answer customer calls, emails, and social media messages. Our contact centre will be open until 10pm 11th September. We are contacting all affected customers by email and/or text message (SMS) to update them on the status of their meter.

10. What if you don’t have contact details for me?

If you are affected by this issue and haven’t provided us with a mobile number or email address, please email us quoting your account number, address, mobile phone number and email address at

11. I have received a ‘Credit Hi’ message on my meter when I enter a top up.

Electric Ireland will send you instructions to make your meter operational. When you receive these instructions please follow them carefully, paying particular attention to the balance required on your meter and the amount of top up you will need to purchase. You should maintain your balance below £10 until further notice. Please see point 3.

12. What happens with the tops ups Electric Ireland have cancelled?

We will reimburse all cancelled top ups as soon as possible. We really appreciate your patience in the meantime.

13. Does my meter need to be replaced in order to fix this?

It is unlikely that your meter will need to be replaced, the vast majority of affected customers’ meters can be reset, and we are working to do that. If you have no electricity in your home, please contact us by phone on 0800 313 4926. Our customer care team will be able to determine what steps need to be taken to get your electricity back on as quickly as possible.

14. NIE installed a new meter because of this issue. What does this mean for me?

You are among a small number of customers who have required a meter replacement to fix the issue. Please wait 48 hours from installation until you top up. You do not need to take further action.

15. Do I need to contact NIE?

No. Please contact Electric Ireland and we will attempt to resolve your issue, if we can’t fix it, we will make contact with NIE Networks on your behalf so that they can resolve the problem.

FAQ’s - 10th September

We appreciate this is very challenging for the affected customers and their families and we are really sorry for the upset caused. We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this complex issue.

Please read all the FAQs fully.

1. What has happened and who might be affected?

An error has occurred which has capped some meters at a £10 credit limit. Customers who purchased a top up between Wednesday 30th of August from 00.00 to Thursday 31st of August at 13.23 may be affected. This means that if you purchased a top up of more than £10 during this time, you may not be able to add this, or any other top-ups to your meter.

If you have not purchased a top up in this time period your meter is not affected, please top up as normal. There is no need to contact our call centre.

2. How do I know if I have been affected?

You may be affected if:

  • You purchased a top up between Wednesday 30th of August from 00.00 to Thursday 31st of August 2023 at 13.23.
  • Your meter is now rejecting top up codes and is displaying the error code ‘CREDIT HI’.

3. What should I do if I have been affected?

If the information above applies to you, please follow the instructions below (issued 9th September).

  • Do not top up your meter until the balance is below £5.
  • When topping up – maintain your meter balance below £10 until further notice.
  • If you have bought top ups of more than £5 in value we are working to reissue them.
  • If you have NO SUPPLY, please email or freephone 0800 313 4926.

Friendly Credit applies over the weekend period. This means that if you run out of credit over the weekend your power will stay on until 12:00 midday on Monday.

4. I’ve activated Emergency or Friendly Credit. What do I do now? (updated 10th September)

The following instructions are for customers who are on FRIENDLY CREDIT i.e. balance below 0.00p, please follow them carefully

  1. You need to top up your meter before 12pm on Monday 11th September
  2. Please check your balance now and top up ensuring your balance DOES NOT exceed £10
  3. You must continue to keep your meter balance £10 or below until further notice

5. Can I purchase multiple £5 top ups?

Yes, you can purchase multiple top ups of £5 and enter them as your meter balance is below £5.

6. How are you going to fix this for me?

We are working as quickly as possible to get your meter operational. Please carefully follow the instructions above to ensure you remain on supply.

7. What should I do if my electricity is off?

Please email now. Include your full name, address, postcode, mobile telephone no. and MPRN. If you cannot email, please call on freephone 0800 313 4926. We are working to reconnect customers as quickly as possible.

8. I rely on electricity for medical purposes, what should I do?

If you rely on electricity for medical purposes, please contact us by phone on 0800 313 4926. If you are without power please email now. Include your full name, address, postcode, mobile telephone no. and MPRN. If you cannot email, please call on freephone 0800 313 4926. Where you cannot contact Electric Ireland and are without power, please contact NIE Networks.

9. What are Electric Ireland doing?

We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible and will provide updates when they are available. We have increased our staffing levels and extended our opening hours to answer customer calls, emails, and social media messages. Our contact centre will be open 9am-5pm Sunday 10th September. We are contacting all affected customers by email and/or text message (SMS) to update them on the status of their meter.

10. What if you don’t have contact details for me?

If you are affected by this issue and haven’t provided us with a mobile number or email address, please email quoting your account number, address, mobile phone number and email address.

11. I have received a ‘Credit Hi’ message on my meter when I enter a top up.

Electric Ireland will send you instructions to make your meter operational. When you receive these instructions please follow them carefully, paying particular attention to the balance required on your meter and the amount of top up you will need to purchase. You should maintain your balance below £10 until further notice. Please see point 3.

12. What happens with the tops ups Electric Ireland have cancelled?

We will reimburse all cancelled top ups as soon as possible. We really appreciate your patience in the meantime.

13. Does my meter need to be replaced in order to fix this?

It is unlikely that your meter will need to be replaced, the vast majority of affected customers’ meters can be reset, and we are working to do that. If you have no electricity in your home, please contact us by phone on 0800 313 4926. Our customer care team will be able to determine what steps need to be taken to get your electricity back on as quickly as possible.

14. NIE installed a new meter because of this issue. What does this mean for me?

You are among a small number of customers who have required a meter replacement to fix the issue. Please wait 48 hours from installation until you top up. You do not need to take further action.

15. Do I need to contact NIE?

No. Please contact Electric Ireland and we will attempt to resolve your issue, if we can’t fix it, we will make contact with NIE Networks on your behalf so that they can resolve the problem.

FAQ’s - 9th September

We appreciate this is very challenging for the affected customers and their families and we are really sorry for the upset caused. We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this complex issue.

Please read all the FAQs fully.

1. What has happened and who might be affected?

An error has occurred which has capped some meters at a £10 credit limit. Customers who purchased a top up between Wednesday 30th of August from 00.00 to Thursday 31st of August at 13.23 may be affected. This means that if you purchased a top up of more than £10 during this time, you may not be able to add this, or any other top-ups to your meter.

If you have not purchased a top up in this time period your meter is not affected, please top up as normal. There is no need to contact our call centre.

2. How do I know if I have been affected?

You may be affected if:

  • You purchased a top up between Wednesday 30th of August from 00.00 to Thursday 31st of August 2023 at 13.23.
  • Your meter is now rejecting top up codes and is displaying the error code ‘CREDIT HI’.

3. What should I do if I have been affected?

If the information above applies to you, please follow the instructions below (issued 9th September).

  • Do not top up your meter until the balance is below £5.
  • When topping up – maintain your meter balance below £10 until further notice./li>
  • If you have bought top ups of more than £5 in value we are working to reissue them.
  • If you have NO SUPPLY, please email now or freephone 0800 313 4926.

Friendly Credit applies over the weekend period. This means that if you run out of credit over the weekend your power will stay on until 12:00 midday on Monday.

4. Can I purchase multiple £5 top ups?

Yes, you can purchase multiple top ups of £5 and enter them as your meter balance is below £5.

5. How are you going to fix this for me?

We are working as quickly as possible to get your meter operational. Please carefully follow the instructions above to ensure you remain on supply.

6. What should I do if my electricity is off?

Please email now. Include your full name, address, postcode, mobile telephone no. and MPRN. If you cannot email, please call on freephone 0800 313 4926. We are working to reconnect customers as quickly as possible.

7. I rely on electricity for medical purposes, what should I do?

If you rely on electricity for medical purposes, please contact us by phone on 0800 313 4926. If you are without power please email now. Include your full name, address, postcode, mobile telephone no. and MPRN. If you cannot email, please call on freephone 0800 313 4926. Where you cannot contact Electric Ireland and are without power, please contact NIE Networks.

8. What are Electric Ireland doing?

We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible and will provide updates when they are available. We have increased our staffing levels and extended our opening hours to answer customer calls, emails, and social media messages. Our contact centre will be open 9am-5pm Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th September. We are contacting all affected customers by email and/or text message (SMS) to update them on the status of their meter.

9. What if you don’t have contact details for me?

If you are affected by this issue and haven’t provided us with a mobile number or email address, please email quoting your account number, address, mobile phone number and email address.

10. I have received a ‘Credit Hi’ message on my meter when I enter a top up.

Electric Ireland will send you instructions to make your meter operational. When you receive these instructions please follow them carefully, paying particular attention to the balance required on your meter and the amount of top up you will need to purchase. You should maintain your balance below £10 until further notice. Please see point 3.

11. What happens with the tops ups Electric Ireland have cancelled?

We will reimburse all cancelled top ups as soon as possible. We really appreciate your patience in the meantime.

12. I’ve activated Emergency or Friendly Credit. What do I do now?

Friendly Credit applies over the weekend period. This means that if you run out of credit over the weekend your power will stay on until 12:00 midday on Monday.

13. Does my meter need to be replaced in order to fix this?

It is unlikely that your meter will need to be replaced, the vast majority of affected customers’ meters can be reset, and we are working to do that. If you have no electricity in your home, please contact us by phone on 0800 313 4926. Our customer care team will be able to determine what steps need to be taken to get your electricity back on as quickly as possible.

14. NIE installed a new meter because of this issue. What does this mean for me?

You are among a small number of customers who have required a meter replacement to fix the issue. Please wait 48 hours from installation until you top up. You do not need to take further action.

15. Do I need to contact NIE?

No. Please contact Electric Ireland and we will attempt to resolve your issue, if we can’t fix it, we will make contact with NIE Networks on your behalf so that they can resolve the problem.

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