You may be due a refund
Please fill out the form below to ensure we can issue your refund.
Please fill out the form below to ensure we can issue your refund.
Please ensure you enter your current address details and not those of the property the credit is due on, if they are different. Read our privacy policy at
Please complete the recaptcha to submit the form.
Customers who have left Electric Ireland prior to 1st July 2023 and who had an ‘in credit’ balance on their account and have not been in contact with Electric Ireland to arrange refund of their balance, will now be contacted in order for their refund to be processed.
If you are affected , Electric Ireland will contact you via email , text or letter to inform you of your balance outstanding and how to claim your refund. We will endeavour to issue these communications by 30th April 2024. If you have not received any notification from Electric Ireland by this date, you are not affected.
It is important that we validate customer details to ensure we are issuing refunds to the correct person and confirm the postal address to issue the refund to.
If you feel you are due a refund, please contact Electric Ireland during our normal customer service times and we can review your account and process any refund if due.
Customers who have confirmed their current home address will receive a voucher which can be redeemed at any Post Office.
Please wait for the email, text or letter communications as this will confirm the amount you will be receiving on your voucher
In recognition of the delay in making customers aware of the credit balance on their account, we are including an additional payment which includes interest from the initial due date at a rate equal to 3% above LIBOR*. *Libor is an index that measures the cost of funds to large global banks operating in London financial markets or with London-based counterparties.
Once you have confirmed the necessary details we require to confirm your identity and postal address, we will endeavour for the refund will be issued within 14 days.
Any credit balance will remain on your account for as long as we retain your account on our system.