6 Helpful Homework Tips

After a long day at school, it is understandable that your kids may not be that enthused to do their homework as soon as they get in the door. However, getting into a good homework routine can set good habits for your child for the future. Check out our homework tips below on how parents can be helpful and supportive during homework activities.

Helpful Homework Tips

1. Create a designated homework area

Homework area at home

Kids can become easily distracted when it comes to homework as they would probably rather spend their time doing other things. Try choosing an area in the house where they can focus on their homework, whether you have a study or it’s at the kitchen table. Keep some pencils, pens, highlighters, and all other essential supplies at hand so your child feels more inclined to get stuck in.

2. Make a homework routine

Sometimes kids just want to relax when they come in from school – just like parents after a long day at work! Plan out when your child feels more motivated to do their homework, whether it’s as soon as they come in the door, after a snack or once they’ve had their dinner. Whenever it may be, stick to this routine so they know it’s something to expect every evening. Highlight the reward of feeling accomplished after completing the task.

3. Don’t do all of the work for them

Even though you’re there to help your child with their homework, this doesn’t mean you can do it for them. They won't learn if they don't think for themselves and making mistakes is a key step in the learning process. It’s helpful to make suggestions and give your child a little challenge which will also help them when doing work in the classroom.

4. But what if I don’t know the answer myself?

Parents don’t know ALL the answers, especially when you’ve been out of the classroom for a while. If your child is unsure of a homework question, write out the thought process of how they nearly got to the answer.  This can sometimes be as valuable and then your child’s teacher can provide feedback on what they could have done differently to get to the right answer.

5. Be a motivator

Homework tips

If you’re faced with a child who doesn’t want to do their homework, the only thing you can do is motivate them. Turn homework into a fun time by introducing a star point system which can reward them in the end for all the questions they got right, or an extra half hour on their iPad. Turn some reading tasks into quizzes to help process all the things they’ve learned from their homework. Make sure they’ve completed all their homework and make yourself available for any questions and concerns.

6. Set a goal

Setting a time limit on how long you spend with your child on their homework can be motivating for them as it lets them know the end is in sight! Set a goal of 20 minutes or half an hour depending on what the homework entails of. This will let them know if they finish within that time, they can relax for the rest of the evening. 

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Do you have any homework tips that help you and your child with the process? Let us know on our Facebook and Twitter pages using the hashtag #SmarterLiving.