Business Help

Why has my NIROC and CCL charge changed on my bill?

Please note that with the beginning of a new obligation period, a new level of NIROC (Northern Ireland Renewable Obligation Commitment) will apply to electricity consumption in Northern Ireland from 1st April 2024.

Renewable Obligation

This charge is itemised as “Renewable Obligation” on your unbundled bill and will increase from 1.08578 to 1.242816 pence per unit from this date. OFGEM (Office of Gas and Electricity Markets) decides the level of this charge on an annual basis and publishes it on the OFGEM website.

Obligation period
(1st April-31st March)

Buy-out price
(per ROC)

Obligation level for
Northern Ireland (ROCs/MWh)

2019-2020£48.78 0.190
2020-2021 £50.05 0.185
2021-2022 £50.80 0.194
2022-2023 £52.88 0.193
2023-2024 £59.01 0.184
2024-2025 £64.73 0.192

The price that is charged on your electricity bill is calculated using the following methodology:

The Buy Out Price of £64.73 is multiplied by the obligation level applicable to Northern Ireland: i.e £12.42816 per MW: which in turn equates to 1.242816 pence per unit : (divide by a thousand to convert the units to a kilowatt base and multiply by a 100 to convert from pounds to pence)

Taxable Commodity

CCL (Climate Change Levy) is also changing with the new rates for the various taxable commodities published on the Gov.UK website.

Taxable Commodity

Rate from 1st April 2021

Rate from 1st April 2022

Rate from 1st April 2023

Rate from 1st April 2024

Electricity (pence per kilowatt hour (KWh)) 0.00775
0.00775 0.00775 0.00775
Natural Gas (£ per KWh) 0.00465 0.00568 0.00672 0.00775

Also note that the percentage discount for holders of a CCA (Climate Change Agreement) will increase from 88% to 89% for Natural Gas consumption.

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